Airbeam Pro 1 4

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  1. Airbeam Pro 1 450
  2. Airbeam Pro 1 4g
  3. Airbeam Pro 1 400
ActiveState now offersTcl Dev Kit (based upon TclPro).Tcl Dev Kit extends the functionality of the original TclPro toolsetwith tool UIs, code coverage and profiling, cross-reference tool, VFSexplorer, improved executable builder, Tcl 8.4/8.5 support, and overallquality improvements.

TclPro was released open source following the acquisition of Ajubaby Interwoven.Sources are on SourceForge. You needCVS access for full source access.

TclPro boosts Tcl programmers' productivity with a codechecker and a powerful graphical debugger. TclPro also makes iteasy to package and distribute Tcl applications, and it protectssource code from copying and alterations. TclPro incorporatesseveral popular open source extensions with Tcl/Tk: [incr Tcl], forobject-oriented programming; Expect, for automating repetitive tasksand extending the lifecycle of legacy applications; and TclX, foradded powerful utilities and system support.

TclPro started as a commercial product sold by Scriptics, butfollowing its acquisition by Interwoven, it was made open source.ActiveState continued commercial development on TclPro, releasingTcl DevKit, now at 3.1. It raises the bar of Tcl programming toolsto a new level with updates or enhanced replacements of every originalTclPro tool, and several new tools to boost programmer productivity.See the extensive listof features and a comparison with TclPro that shows how extensive the Tcl Dev Kit is.

What's New | Tool Overview | Hardware Support

How to get Tcl Dev Kit:

Tcl DevKit is available separately or as part of ActiveState's Tcl programmingbundle, ActiveTclPro Studio. Tcl Dev Kit includes binary distributions for Mac OS X,Windows, Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX.
21-day evaluation licenses are available.

Tcl Dev Kit v4 Features

ActiveState Tcl Dev Kit builds on the open source TclPro tools and ActiveTcl ,which includes the latest release of Tcl and more extensions tofurther enhance your productivity. In addition, it includes ...
  • New Wrapper using Tcl's VFS technology.
  • Code coverage and profiling in the Debugger.
  • Enhanced static analysis.
  • Cross-reference tool for analyzing Tcl code dependencies.
  • VFS Explorer.
  • Windows service manager to make services out of Tcl applications.
  • Full tools support for Tcl 8.4 and 8.5.
  • Improved quality, i.e. bugfixes in all tools.

How to get TclPro:

Source Code is available in the CVS repositories on SourceForge. for instructions on buildingTclPro from the source release.

Older Binary Distributions are available for several platforms.Versions 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 still require a license key to unlock theTclPro tools. The FREE_KEYSfiles has keys for different versions of TclPro. If you follow theweb download path, you are also shown a good key on the final downloadpage.

  • Free TclProLicense Keys (unlimited time) (required for TclPro 1.2 - 1.4)
  • TclProCD-ROM Image with free keys (.cif format) You may need to explicitly 'Save Link As...' to avoid displaying thesebits in your browser.
  • TclProCD-ROM Image with free keys (.iso format)(154.74 Mbytes)
    Look in the split directory todownload the CD-ROM image in 25Meg chunks.
  • TclPro Web Download (smallerfiles)! (version 1.4, 1.3 or 1.2)
    • TclPro 1.5 Download includes Tcl/Tk 8.3.2.
    • TclPro 1.4 Download includes Tcl/Tk 8.3.2.
    • TclPro 1.3 Download includes Tcl/Tk 8.2.0.
    • TclPro 1.2 Download includes Tcl/Tk 8.0.5.

    Choose your TclPro version based on whatversion of the Tcl/Tk platform you require.
    (file sizes rangefrom 12 to 35 MB depending on platform)

TclPro 1.4 Features

Airbeam Pro 1 4
  • Includes Tcl/Tk 8.3.2: all extensions now supportthe enterprise-ready features of Tcl/Tk,including support for multi-threaded applications, UNICODE and the Tclextension architecture.
  • Upgrade to Tcl 8.3: TclPro Checker assists youwith upgrading to Tcl 8.3 by identifying code, such as for regularexpressions, that may need to be changed.
  • Code coverage tool: TclPro Debugger has a-coverage command line argument to enable a code coverage feature.The code coverage tool lets you pinpoint unused code blocks and verifytest coverage.
  • Better compilation support It is now easier tocompile extra extensions for use with a TclPro installation, and it iseasier to create custom shells for use with TclPro Wrapper.
  • TclHttpd Web Server This compact, extensible webserver can be used for ordinary web sites or embedded, 'web-enabled'applications.

TclPro Tools

Airbeam Pro 1 450

TclPro contains four development tools, summarized below, plus thecore Tcl platform. Click on the tool names below to see detaileddatasheets for each tool.

  • TclPro Debugger
    No more puts statements! Breakpoints, single-stepping,variable/stack display, and other features help you track down bugsquickly. TclPro Debugger provides a convenient graphical userinterface and allows you to debug remote and embedded Tcl applicationsas well as local ones.
  • TclPro Checker
    Our static code analyzer helps you find syntax errors and othercommon usage errors quickly, without having to run your program. Ifyou are using older versions of Tcl and Tk (as far back as Tcl 7.3 andTk 3.6), TclPro Checker helps you upgrade by warning about potentialincompatibilities.
  • TclPro Wrapper.
    TclPro Wrapper creates a single executable file containingeverything needed to run a Tcl application. This makes it easy todistribute Tcl applications to your users and manage upgrades in Tclversions.
  • TclPro Compiler
    Do you want to keep your customers from seeing and modifying yoursource code? TclPro Compiler allows you to compile a Tcl script into abytecode representation for distribution, so that your source codedoesn't leave your site. Note: TclPro Compiler now produces.tbc files in a new format. The change is backward-compatible. If afile has been compiled with TclPro 1,3, 1.2 or 1.1, it can be loadedby TclPro 1.4. Files compiled with TclPro 1.4 or 1.3 cannot be loadedby TclPro 1.2. TclPro only supports up to Tcl 8.3. If you requiresupport for 8.4, you will need the Tcl Dev Kit.

Airbeam Pro 1 4g

Hungry for more information? Read the TclPro Users Gude in PDFformat. You'll need AcrobatReader to read it.

Supported Tcl Versions

TclPro 1.4 designed for Tcl/Tk 8.3 but some of the tools can work withearlier versions of Tcl. Previous versions of TclPro were designed fordifferent versions of Tcl/Tk. Find out whichTclPro is right for you.

ActiveState's Tcl Dev Kit isrecommended for use with Tcl 8.4 or 8.5.

Supported Platforms

  • Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 (Intel), 2000
  • Solaris 2.5, 2.6, 7 (SPARC)
  • HP-UX 10.20
  • Linux (Intel, Red Hat 5.0+, SuSE 6.0+)
  • SGI IRIX 6.3+
Note: The Linux distribution is for the Intel platform and the glibc2 C library.

Year 2000 Compliance

Airbeam Pro 1 400

All versions of TclPro, as well as all tools and extensions thatship as part of TclPro are Year 2000 compliant. Tcl/Tk 8.0.x andhigher are also Year 2000 compliant. Earlier versions can be compliantif your application avoids date fields with 2-digit year fields. Formore information please go to the Year 2000page.

  • Includes Tcl/Tk 8.3.2: all extensions now supportthe enterprise-ready features of Tcl/Tk,including support for multi-threaded applications, UNICODE and the Tclextension architecture.
  • Upgrade to Tcl 8.3: TclPro Checker assists youwith upgrading to Tcl 8.3 by identifying code, such as for regularexpressions, that may need to be changed.
  • Code coverage tool: TclPro Debugger has a-coverage command line argument to enable a code coverage feature.The code coverage tool lets you pinpoint unused code blocks and verifytest coverage.
  • Better compilation support It is now easier tocompile extra extensions for use with a TclPro installation, and it iseasier to create custom shells for use with TclPro Wrapper.
  • TclHttpd Web Server This compact, extensible webserver can be used for ordinary web sites or embedded, 'web-enabled'applications.

TclPro Tools

Airbeam Pro 1 450

TclPro contains four development tools, summarized below, plus thecore Tcl platform. Click on the tool names below to see detaileddatasheets for each tool.

  • TclPro Debugger
    No more puts statements! Breakpoints, single-stepping,variable/stack display, and other features help you track down bugsquickly. TclPro Debugger provides a convenient graphical userinterface and allows you to debug remote and embedded Tcl applicationsas well as local ones.
  • TclPro Checker
    Our static code analyzer helps you find syntax errors and othercommon usage errors quickly, without having to run your program. Ifyou are using older versions of Tcl and Tk (as far back as Tcl 7.3 andTk 3.6), TclPro Checker helps you upgrade by warning about potentialincompatibilities.
  • TclPro Wrapper.
    TclPro Wrapper creates a single executable file containingeverything needed to run a Tcl application. This makes it easy todistribute Tcl applications to your users and manage upgrades in Tclversions.
  • TclPro Compiler
    Do you want to keep your customers from seeing and modifying yoursource code? TclPro Compiler allows you to compile a Tcl script into abytecode representation for distribution, so that your source codedoesn't leave your site. Note: TclPro Compiler now produces.tbc files in a new format. The change is backward-compatible. If afile has been compiled with TclPro 1,3, 1.2 or 1.1, it can be loadedby TclPro 1.4. Files compiled with TclPro 1.4 or 1.3 cannot be loadedby TclPro 1.2. TclPro only supports up to Tcl 8.3. If you requiresupport for 8.4, you will need the Tcl Dev Kit.

Airbeam Pro 1 4g

Hungry for more information? Read the TclPro Users Gude in PDFformat. You'll need AcrobatReader to read it.

Supported Tcl Versions

TclPro 1.4 designed for Tcl/Tk 8.3 but some of the tools can work withearlier versions of Tcl. Previous versions of TclPro were designed fordifferent versions of Tcl/Tk. Find out whichTclPro is right for you.

ActiveState's Tcl Dev Kit isrecommended for use with Tcl 8.4 or 8.5.

Supported Platforms

  • Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 (Intel), 2000
  • Solaris 2.5, 2.6, 7 (SPARC)
  • HP-UX 10.20
  • Linux (Intel, Red Hat 5.0+, SuSE 6.0+)
  • SGI IRIX 6.3+
Note: The Linux distribution is for the Intel platform and the glibc2 C library.

Year 2000 Compliance

Airbeam Pro 1 400

All versions of TclPro, as well as all tools and extensions thatship as part of TclPro are Year 2000 compliant. Tcl/Tk 8.0.x andhigher are also Year 2000 compliant. Earlier versions can be compliantif your application avoids date fields with 2-digit year fields. Formore information please go to the Year 2000page.

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